

Youth development and investment in the youth of the country are few of the best possible investments in human capital. Considering the nature and interests of youth, much can be accomplished through programmes of recognition for outstanding achievements (in productive work, leadership and service) of rural youth and young farmers. With imagination, these types of programmes can be carried out at both, local and national level with very little resource allocation. Recognising the large rural youth population in our country, their varied needs, interests, abilities, problems and the limited resources of governments, it becomes evident that cooperation and collaboration of the NGOs is a necessity.

We serve to bridge the gap so that forest people can influence the outside powers that shape their lives and futures.

Our activities with rural youth
Technical assistance

We collaborate with government in formulating projects for rural youth and in advising on government youth programme development. Sometimes projects are designed specifically for rural youth - at other times, youth is included in the target audience, as appropriate.

Exchange of experiences

IDonate Organisation has established a communication network among youth programme leaders in many cities, towns, and villages. Youth leaders are encouraged to contribute materials and discuss relevant ideas. We conduct workshops to assist in the exchange of experiences of those working with youth.

Examples of our rural youth programmes and projects in development programmes include the following:

1. Non-formal education programmes for out-of-school youth. Generally these are introduced as special training programmes in literacy improvement, leadership development, vocational and productive skill training, youth cooperatives, and population education.

2. Income generating projects that allow individuals and groups to build on the training received, with supervision through youth group activities and credit facilities.

3. Provision of rural services that Include youth as beneficiaries. These services may include supervised credit for young farmers and rural youth, making learning available and production resources, health care and recreation activities.

4. Organized community development programmes that challenge and satisfy the energies and aspirations of rural youth. Reforestation, community development and community agricultural shows are examples.